Whenever we go to a doctor about an ailment, we usually end up being prescribed some medication to resolve the issue at hand. The problem is that every medication has some sort of side effect that goes with it. When taken long term, the side effects can do more damage than the original condition that you were treated for was causing.
I saw a statement that really does summarize what the pharmaceutical industry is all about. Medicine Does Not Cure You, It Makes You A Customer". When you think about it, that statement is very true. A question you should ask yourself: Is the pharmaceutical industry really concerned about our best interest. I personally don't believe they do. Their actions of continuously doing research and coming up with more drugs makes it look like they do. In reality, they are just creating more synthetics to offset what other synthetics are already doing to our bodies. I say this because there are synthetics in our foods, drinks and some dishes that we use.
If you look at the history of when food started to have preservatives added, you will see what I believe is a correlation between an increase in certain illnesses and the preservatives. People didn't get cancer in the 50's and 60's like they do now and there are fewer smokers now than during that time period. There wasn't a problem with memory loss like there is now. Scientists have already acknowledged that processed foods are a risk factor that plays into getting cancer. With that little piece of information I think it is safe to say that Medicine Does Not Cure You, It Makes You A Customer.